AI Authority Issue 18

Apple Intelligence is Coming

Welcome Friends!

This month, we give some early info on Appleā€™s foray in AI. Weā€™ll give you more details next week in a special ā€œApple Intelligence Updateā€.

We also introduce you to NVIDIA Inference Microservices (NIMs), LEGO-like high-tech modules that simplify and accelerate deployment of AI solutions, making advanced AI tools more accessible and cost-effective.

Our goal is to provide you with valuable information that inspires, educates, and helps you use artificial intelligence to grow your business.  

With humble gratitude,  

The AI Authority Team

*1,338 words total, 4.81 minutes reading time

Todayā€™s Lineup:

  • Apple Worldwide Developer Conference 2024 News


  • NVIDIA ACE Builds Digital Humans

  • PwC and OpenAIā€™s Groundbreaking Deal

  • Microsoft's Copilot+ PCs Revolutionize Productivity

Apple Worldwide Developer Conference 2024 News

ChatGPT in Siri

Apple is bringing ChatGPT, its AI-powered chatbot experience, to Siri and other Apple apps, powered by OpenAIā€™s GPT-4 and other generative AI models.


adding some generative AI features that make Siri seem more natural and more personal. Thereā€™s also a new glowing light. And Siri can also handle stumbles in speech and better understand context. Plus, for those who would rather type, you can do that now.

Apple Intelligence is here

The new feature is called Apple Intelligent (A.I., get it?). The company promised the feature will be built with safety at its core, along with highly personalized experiences. Itā€™s personal intelligence, and itā€™s the next big step for Apple.

Useful AI, not flashy AI

Apple has fallen behind its peers in the AI race, and it probably feels like it needs to pull out all the stops to impress fans and shareholders. But that shouldnā€™t mean overpromising on features.

Generative AI

Since Apple is behind its competitors, its most logical play is a partnership with a reigning powerhouse like OpenAI. Only the iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max, along with iPads and Macs with M1 or newer chips, will be able to run the new features coming alongside Appleā€™s AI push

Stay tuned for our special edition, "Apple Intelligence Update," next Tuesday, June 18th, for all the latest details from the Apple Worldwide Developer Conference 2024!

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NVIDIA Inference Microservices (NIMs) are like high-tech Lego blocks for AI. They are smart modules or containers, essentially building blocks, that make it easier and more cost-effective to build advanced, customized systems. They can be combined in different ways to efficiently and effectively accomplish various tasks such as data analysis, fraud detection, and process automation.

This enables companies to build AI solutions quickly. They support a variety of AI models in areas like language, vision, speech, and healthcare, allowing you to capitalize on the latest AI advancements.

One significant advantage of NIMs is their flexibility. They can operate on any CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) platform, which is used on NVIDIA GPUs. This platform is common in the cloud, data centers, or workstations.

NIMs work in tandem with cloud-based or server-based LLM (Large Language Models) such as ChatGPT, Geminii, Opus, Claude, Mistral, etc., to simplify and accelerate data use and management while benefiting from all of LLMs' power.

NIMs have been adopted by industry leaders such as SAP, ServiceNow, and Siemens. The goal is to democratize access to powerful AI tools, accelerating innovation. simplify deployment, and improve interoperability, making AI more accessible to a broader audience.

NIMs do not require deep AI expertise and provide ready-to-use solutions for tasks like data, image, video, speech, and predictive analysis and processing, opening up AI's capabilities for more users and applications.

NVIDIA ACE Builds Digital Humans

NVIDIAā€™s Avatar Cloud Engine (ACE) combines advanced language models, speech recognition, and lifelike facial animations to allow developers to create avatars that can communicate effectively and exhibit genuine emotions. These avatars are, in essence, "digital humans," AI with a human face.

Imagine having a virtual assistant who not only understands your questions but also responds with empathy or a game character who evolves alongside you. The possibilities are immense.

While Meta, Microsoft, Unity, and Unreal Engine are also exploring digital humans, NVIDIA's focus on hyper-realistic visuals and seamless interactions gives them a strong competitive edge.

The financial prospects are promising, with the market for AI assistants and avatars rapidly expanding. ACEā€™s cloud-based services make it easier for developers to integrate this technology, accelerating its adoption and increasing demand.

For users, digital humans offer more engaging and personalized experiences in customer service, gaming, and education. These human-like AI avatars can significantly enhance interactions. Yet, it is important to consider the privacy, security, and ethical issues associated with this technology.

As this technology continues to develop, avatars will become even more realistic and intelligent, progressively blurring the boundary between the virtual and the real. This evolution is transforming AI and changing how we interact with technology on a daily basis.

PwC and OpenAIā€™s Groundbreaking Deal

OpenAI, the creators of ChatGPT, has announced a groundbreaking partnership with PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers), the accounting and consulting giant.

This deal provides customized ChatGPT Enterprise for all 100,000 employees in the US, UK, and the Middle East and makes PwC the first reseller of OpenAI's most powerful model. It is a central part of PwC's three-year $1 billion investment in generative AI.

While tech giants like Google and Microsoft are developing their own AI tools, OpenAIā€™s collaboration enables PwC to offer ChatGPT Enterprise to its business clients and expands its market reach, paving the way for wider adoption and faster innovation with clients and cross industries. Leveraging PwC's consulting services to customize AI solutions will dramatically accelerate the widespread adoption of advanced AI applications.

OpenAI, PwC, and their clients will gain financially as these companies and industries eagerly test and explore how to best implement AI solutions.

While this partnership is just the beginning, collaborations like the one between OpenAI and PwC will play a pivotal role in shaping the growth and application of AI. It is essential to focus on the responsible development and deployment of these technologies to ensure they benefit society while minimizing any associated risks.

Combining the technological prowess of AI model providers with the connections, consulting, and customization capabilities of partners like PwC will unlock new frontiers in AI applications and accelerate the pace of innovation in every business sector.

Microsoft's Copilot+ PCs Revolutionize Productivity

Microsoft's Copilot+ PCs blend advanced AI with powerful hardware, adding dedicated NPUs (Neural Processing Units) which are specialized hardware components designed for artificial intelligence, capable of processing up to 40 trillion operations per second.

Starting at $999, Copilot+ PCs, are competitively priced and offer features that could appeal to both enterprise and consumer markets.

They are up to 58% faster than the MacBook Air M3, and provide "off the shelf" AI integration which is expected to drive demand for AI solutions.

Copilot+ PCs are designed to anticipate your needs, suggest relevant actions, and enhance your applications with AI, making computing more productive and efficient.

It's a glimpse into the future of AI-powered computing, where the line between human and machine blurs, leading to a more intelligent and integrated experience. They represent the next step forward towards seamless human-machine interaction.

Thatā€™s all for today, folks!

Weā€™ve lined up some fresh and exciting content for our next edition. Stay tuned; we can't wait to connect with you again. We appreciate your continued readership and support! Until next time. 

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