AI Authority Issue 15

AI Chatbots Are Getting Better All The Time

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This month we focus on how AI chatbots are rapidly advancing, with improvements in memory, language understanding, and reasoning, making interactions increasingly natural and effective across various languages and complex tasks.

Our goal is to provide you with valuable information that inspires, educates, and helps you use artificial intelligence to grow your business.  

With humble gratitude,  

The AI Authority Team

*1,454 words total, 5.23 minutes reading time

Today’s Lineup:

  • AI Chatbots: Getting Better All The Time

  • Musk is Suing OpenAI: The Fight for the "Soul" of Artificial Intelligence

  • From Text to Film: Exploring the Magic of AI-Driven Video Generation

  • AI-Powered Robots Among Us at Work and Home

  • EU Attempts to Regulate Trustworthy AI

AI Chatbots Are Getting Better All The Time

Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots continue to improve:

ChatGPT has significantly improved its memory capabilities, enabling more coherent and contextually relevant conversations over longer sessions. This enhancement allows for a more natural and engaging user experience, bridging the gap between human and machine communication. It has a 128,000 token limit.

Google has made strides with its cutting-edge Ultra models. Ultra 1.5, which is currently in beta, boasts an impressive capacity of 1 million tokens (more than the 587,287 words in the 1,200 pages of War and Peace), with rumors suggesting it can actually handle an incredible 10 million tokens. These limits are five times and fifty times the capacity of the current leaders!

Tokens are like the building blocks of language that computers use to understand and create sentences, kind of like how we use words and punctuation. Think of it as the computer's way of reading books like "War and Peace" or "Harry Potter." Just as we read word by word, Google's Ultra 1.5 breaks down what it reads into tokens to better understand and respond to what we're asking it about.

Claude 3 by Anthropic can understand and generate human-like responses in over 100 languages. Its multi-modal capabilities allow users to provide input through text, voice, or images which it can analyze with 92% accuracy and in creative writing it has an average coherence score of 4.7/5 as rated by human evaluators. It has a 200,000 token limit. By some measures, and according to some users, it is as good or better than ChatGPT, today's industry leader!

Mistral is renowned for its robust reasoning capabilities tailored for intricate multilingual tasks. Fluent in English, French, Spanish, German, and Italian, it exhibits a nuanced grasp of various languages. For those wanting complete control, and for additional security, it can be installed on your local computers. It performs well in coding, mathematical, and reasoning tasks.

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Musk is Suing OpenAI: The Fight for the "Soul" of Artificial Intelligence

Elon Musk, has taken a legal stand against OpenAI, the artificial intelligence research lab he co-founded. The lawsuit, filed in a California court, marks a significant turn in Musk's relationship with the AI community, particularly concerning OpenAI's direction and policies.

Musk's legal action centers on what he perceives as OpenAI's departure from its original ethos. Initially established as a non-profit with a mission to ensure AI benefits all of humanity, OpenAI transitioned to a "capped profit" model in 2019. Musk argues that this shift compromises the organization's ability to distribute AI technology equitably, fearing it might lead to monopolistic control and misuse of artificial intelligence.

The lawsuit seeks to enforce a more transparent and equitable distribution of AI technologies, emphasizing the need for safety and ethical standards in AI development and deployment. Musk's move has sparked a broad debate on the governance of AI research organizations and the moral obligations of AI developers.

This legal battle underscores the growing concerns over AI's impact on society, privacy, and security. As AI technologies become increasingly integrated into daily life, the outcome of Musk's lawsuit may set a precedent for how AI advancements are managed and shared globally, highlighting the importance of ethical considerations in the race for AI innovation.

From Text to Film: Exploring the Magic of AI-Driven Video Generation

Generative AI is significantly changing how videos are created, making the process more efficient and accessible. OpenAI's Sora model is a key example of this advancement. It produces video content directly from text descriptions, greatly reducing the workload compared to traditional methods.

InVideo, another important tool in this field, offers a platform where users can easily create professional-looking videos. It provides a wide selection of templates and AI-powered editing features, allowing for the quick production of customized videos for individuals and businesses.

Runway is a creative toolkit powered by artificial intelligence that enables creators to use AI tools for a wide range of applications, from video generation to image editing. It offers intuitive interfaces and cutting-edge AI technologies, allowing users to easily produce, modify, and enhance digital content, making sophisticated media creation accessible to all skill levels.

There are also many other tools and models being developed in the area of AI-driven video generation. These innovations help automate various stages of video production, including scriptwriting, animation, and editing. The continued improvement of these technologies is expected to make video production even more accessible to a wider audience, further expanding the possibilities for digital communication and creative expression.

Robots Among Us at Work and Home

The fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics has been a significant driver of technological progress, with companies like Boston Dynamics, through its humanoid robot Atlas, and Tesla, with the introduction of its Optimus, leading the charge. Dozens, if not hundreds of companies are competing to become the leader in this field.

These robots, engineered to execute a wide array of tasks such as navigating complex terrains, performing precision work in factories, and helping out at home, highlight the capacity of AI-enhanced robots to extend human skills and transform industries. as well as the home service and home health arenas.

Other firms have made their mark by unveiling robots equipped for a variety of roles, including healthcare assistance, customer service, and companionship. These innovations reveal the versatile applications of robots, indicating a future where AI and robotics play pivotal roles in addressing labor shortages, healthcare challenges, and more.

The advancements in AI and robotics bring forth considerations beyond mere technological marvels. They invite discussions on the ethical and practical aspects of incorporating such technologies into daily life, balancing advances and conveniences with consideration of the moral and societal implications,

EU Attempts to Regulate Trustworthy AI

The European Parliament recently endorsed key amendments to the European Union's draft legislation on artificial intelligence (AI), marking a pivotal move towards the comprehensive regulation of the AI industry. This development underscores the EU's commitment to ensuring that AI technologies are developed and deployed in a manner that prioritizes safety, ethical considerations, and transparency. The amendments focus on critical areas such as safety checks, data governance, and risk mitigation strategies, particularly for foundational models that drive generative AI technologies.

This legislative push aims to address the complex challenges posed by AI, including privacy concerns, ethical dilemmas, and the potential for unintended consequences. By establishing frameworks for data governance, the EU seeks to ensure that AI systems are built on reliable and ethically sourced data, thereby enhancing their overall safety and efficacy. Moreover, the introduction of stringent safety checks and risk mitigation measures is intended to protect users and society at large from the potential harms associated with AI technologies.

The emphasis on regulating foundational models — the core algorithms powering generative AI applications — highlights the EU's proactive approach to managing the risks and maximizing the benefits of these transformative technologies. As this legislation progresses, it sets a precedent for global AI governance, balancing innovation with the imperative to safeguard public interest and welfare.

That’s all for today, folks!

We’ve lined up some fresh and exciting content for our next edition. Stay tuned; we can't wait to connect with you again. We appreciate your continued readership and support! Until next time. 

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